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SAT and ACT Resource Guide: From Free Prep to Private Tutoring

SAT and ACT Resource Guide: From Free Prep to Private Tutoring
SAT and ACT Resource Guide for Students and Families | Scoir

“Help! My daughter is a junior, and I have no idea what to do. Should she take the SAT? The ACT? How should she prepare? Do we use a tutor? An online class? Which books should we buy? Where do we begin?”

If these questions have been running through your brain (or you're a student yourself), you have come to the right place. This guide is designed to help you understand the different paths available for your child to utilize during their standardized test preparations. To avoid any more middle-of-the-night panic attacks, take a deep breath and relax. We've got you covered.

The first step to the test prep journey is to figure out which test caters to your strengths. Our blog post ACT or SAT? Everything You Need to Know to Choose the Best Test for You can help. But remember, if you or your student scores well enough on one of the practice tests, they may not need to prep much at all! Instead, have them take the next SAT or ACT and see how they do. You may be surprised by their results. Although this option is the most cost- and time-effective, it may not be the case for you.

If you or your student could use guidance, review the following paths and see which might be the best fit.


When should I begin taking standardized tests?

You should begin taking standardized tests in your junior year. If you have already taken Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Geometry, then begin taking tests during September or October of your junior year. However, if you're currently enrolled in these math classes, wait until the winter or spring of your junior year to test; perhaps February would be a good time to take the SAT or ACT. 

Depending on how you score on your first round of testing, you may want to consider re-testing during the fall of your senior year. You should plan to sign up for this test by late July or early August. Spend part of your summer break reviewing and studying for your final test to attempt a better score.


Preliminary Tests for Underclassmen

Your high school may offer the PSAT and/or the PACT test sophomore year. If so, these preliminary tests will give you a baseline test score. Use your PSAT results to review your weak areas.

If you're still learning about all the different types of standardized tests, check out these articles (written by Test Innovators) for all the basic information you'll need:


Path 1: Free Online Resources

After you decide when you'll take your standardized test and which test you'll be taking, it's time to start preparing. 


SAT Prep Free Resources: College Board & Khan Academy

With the launch of the new SAT in March 2016, the College Board, creators of the SAT test, teamed up with Khan Academy, a free video tutorial website, to provide SAT prep to all students. 


So, how do you get started?

Step 1: Go to Khan Academy or the College Board and print a free practice test. These tests are also available in book format (see book section below).

Step 2: Take a full practice test and bubble your answers on this scan sheet. Be sure to bubble on the left side of the answer sheet the test number that correlates with the practice test that you are taking. For practice test 1, fill in 01.

Step 3: Use the College Board’s free Daily Practice for the SAT app to scan and score your answers by taking photos of the answer sheets. You will receive not only your score but also suggested practice on Khan Academy instantly. If you would prefer, you can hand-score the tests by using the score sheet for each test. The College Board also provides free explanations of every question for each test.

Step 4: Create a study schedule. Khan Academy will put together a practice schedule for you to take based on the test day when you would like to take the real test. Once you pick a test date, for example, March 7th, Khan Academy will email or text you reminders to take practice tests every two weeks in preparation for the real test. In addition, Khan Academy recommends spending 1.5 to 5 hours a week, or 15 to 60 minutes, five times a week on Khan Academy to work on practice problems and watch videos based on your test results.

Overall, this customized program is an excellent way to keep you on track, assess your weaknesses, take real SAT practice tests, and work on practice problems. If you're taking the SAT and are independent and motivated enough to practice on your own, then why wouldn’t you start with this excellent, free resource?


ACT Prep Free Resources

The ACT Learning Resources is a free online personalized learning platform. The program's goal is to help “close the gaps in equity, opportunity, and achievement for underserved learners.” In a press statement, the ACT explained:

ACT Academy content draws from extensive resources that include learning materials from NASA, PBS (America’s Public Broadcasting Service), GeoGebra, and other learning organizations such as Khan Academy, as well as ACT’s proven tips and strategies—and delivers them in one convenient place.

ACT Academy resources go beyond traditional lecture-oriented teaching videos. Selections include educational games, short skill tests, interactive apps, video lessons, full-length ACT practice tests, and other engaging learning approaches, validated through professional educators. Similar to the SAT’s free program, the ACT is touting that its program will include a personalized study plan with full practice tests, video lessons, and interactive practice questions.

The ACT Academy also includes features for parents, teachers, and counselors.


Path 2: Paid Online Resources

While there are many paid online courses in the industry, I suggest you do your homework before signing up for any of them. Some of them are inexpensive and others are upward of $1,000.

Here are some questions to consider:

  • First and foremost, what practice materials do they use?
  • Who are their instructors and what are their backgrounds?
  • How long have they been in the industry and with what success?
  • If you can speak with someone on the phone or chat, consider asking some of the questions below, under Path 3, to help you figure out the strength of the program
  • Finally, and probably most importantly, ask your network for recommendations as to what online test prep company they used and if they would recommend them

Our partner, Test Innovators, can help! The Test Innovators practice platform has everything you need to reach your target scores, including full-length practice tests, targeted practice exercises, detailed diagnostics, and more. 

They even have 10 adaptive practice tests for the digital SAT.


Path 3: Individual Tutoring

While individual tutoring can sometimes be the most successful approach, it is often the most expensive. Before investing potentially thousands of dollars in tutoring for the SAT or ACT, spend some time talking with the company or the tutors to find out their approach. Here are a few questions to help guide your conversation:

  • Do they offer or evaluate practice tests (both the ACT and SAT) to determine which test is better for you? If so, how? (You want them to use the real SAT and the real ACT.) If not, reconsider this company, since you want to find someone who has your best interest in mind versus just convincing you to take the test that they know best
  • Is their program a “one-size fits all” or do they customize the program to your needs? If so, how? Do not be afraid to ask for specific examples
  • Who are the tutors and what are their backgrounds? It is best if a certified English teacher is teaching the verbal portions and a certified math teacher is teaching the math sections because, after all, how many high school teachers are certified in both math and English? It can be done but it's very rare
  • Ask what grammar skills they focus on the most. The answer should have specific grammar rules, such as punctuation, pronoun usage, verb tense, parallelism, etc. If not, it could be a clue to the depth of knowledge or lack of, which is also a good reason to hang up the phone and call the next tutoring company
  • For the math sections ask, “How are the SAT and ACT math sections similar and how are they different?” The answer to this question can be found in one of our previous blogs, so read it before you ask the question to see if it gives you an accurate and detailed answer
  • If you have a student with an IEP or a 504 Plan, then ask specific questions about how they tutor students who receive extended time. You can even be specific to your learning style and ask how they might alter their approach as a result

Some students benefit greatly from individual tutoring, and it can be a wonderful experience as the best tutors focus on developing the whole student to build confidence and self-awareness through the process. If you plan on taking this route, ask your network for recommendations. Word of mouth is most likely your best option when looking for a strong tutoring company.


Path 4: Group Classes

Group classes vary wildly in their offerings. Some classes are a boot camp style and take place in a single day over four to eight hours. Many high schools or libraries will offer these types of classes on weekends. While they can be helpful for a general overview of the tests with some generic strategies, they are typically just that, an overview.

For longer group classes or programs, ensure that the classes are separated by score ranges. In addition, if you think that you or your student does not do as well in group or class environments, then it’s most likely best to study individually, either through the online resources mentioned or with a private tutor.


Other Test Prep Considerations


Do you qualify for a fee waiver?

Never take a national standardized test without reviewing the material! If you attend a Title 1 high school or qualify for free or reduced lunch, you will be eligible for a test fee waiver. This will save you quite a bit of money.

Fee waivers are limited, so use them wisely. If you sign up using a fee waiver and do not take the test, it counts against you. See your counselor for a waiver.


Is it true that not all colleges require a test score?

Yes. The Fairtest website lists all colleges that do not require a test for admissions. Some colleges may require a test score for admission into certain majors or for scholarship purposes. Be sure to research the colleges on your list for full details and call their admissions office if you need clarification.


A Final Word on Test Prep

While the world of test prep can often be overwhelming, we are lucky to live in a time with many valuable free resources and quality study materials. To figure out the best approach, consider your budget, your ability and motivation to study independently, and a realistic plan to get accepted into the best-fit school for you or your student!


Julie Kampschroeder

Picture of blog author

Julie Kampschroeder has over three decades of experience working with high school students. She is passionate about assisting First Generation/Low Income College Bound students. Julie currently works as a public school counselor in a diverse high school in St. Louis, Missouri. Early in her career she volunteered countless hours with the Missouri Association of College Admission Counselors (MOACAC) and earned both the President’s Service Award (2008) and Peggy Clinton Lifetime Service Award (2012). As a First Generation College student herself, growing up in a small town, she is most proud of the National Association of Admissions Counselor Inclusion, Access and Success Award (2013). Maya Angelo’s motto of “when you know better, you do better” guides her work in educating First Generation students to level the playing field in college admissions.

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