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For Colleges
Enrollment Insights and Benchmarking Report
A detailed analysis of your institution's applicants, admits, and enrollments.

What is it
Leveraging our vast database of student applications and outcomes, Scoir’s new Enrollment Insights and Benchmarking Report provides a detailed analysis of your institution’s applicants, admits, and enrollments along with a comparison to your peer cohorts*.
Learn who applied, who was accepted, who enrolled, where the others went, and what influenced their decisions in time to adjust your student recruiting and admissions strategies for this year’s applicants.
Report Details
The Enrollment Insights and Benchmarking Report is a quantitative and qualitative, segmented analysis of the application, admission, and enrollment patterns of more than 120,000 recent high school graduates. Data used in this study is sourced directly from students’ educational records whereas qualitative feedback about factors that influenced students’ decision-making was gathered through a survey of Scoir users. Findings identified in this report are notable observations of data correlations or anomalies; they are not intended to draw inferences, provide explanations, or make recommendations.
See Sample ReportPricing and Ordering Information
Order your custom Enrollment Insights and Benchmarking Report for $5,000 by filling out the form. The standard report includes 2 peer cohorts* of your choosing. Add additional cohorts* for $1,000 each.
*Each peer cohort must consist of no less than 6 institutions and cohort groupings must not risk revealing proprietary data of any single institution.