What's New in Scoir

For Counselors: April 2024 Product Updates

Written by Ginny Perkins | May 1, 2024 3:09:46 PM

Your monthly roundup of the latest product releases and feature updates. Plus, what's coming soon to Scoir. 🚀


What's New


For Students & Counselors

Assigning Student Tasks

Now, counselors can create, assign, and manage student tasks to keep everyone organized and on track. Students can view and complete tasks from their dashboard and receive notifications when tasks are assigned by their counselor. Learn more & share feedback


For Counselors

Accepting Applications Filter

If you haven't already, opt in to a new experience with better college data visibility. Easily switch between the new Colleges view and the previous version of discovering and managing colleges.

You'll notice information is more visible and easier to customize, and you can refine your search by filtering. Recently, we added an Accepting Applications filter that allows you to identify which institutions are still accepting applications (i.e., they have open application rounds). Please share feedback!

Coming Soon 🙌

For Counselors

Career Readiness Early Access

We’ve been actively building a Career Readiness Solution to serve both college and non-college-bound students on their journeys (starting in middle school!). Soon, you'll have early access to what we've built so far and you'll learn what's coming next! We welcome your thoughts and feedback.


For Counselors

Form Creation

You'll be able to create robust Forms soon to capture information, collect data, and more.


For Counselors

Technical & Trade School Discovery

We’re expanding our College & Career Network to better support students in career discovery by including technical & trade schools. Please share any thoughts and feedback


For Counselors

Improved Standard Reporting with Labels

Soon, you'll be able to filter by multiple Student and College Labels at a time in standard reports. Please share any thoughts and feedback


And that’s a wrap! 

Share your feedback! We're all ears 👂