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Assigning Tasks & Forms to Parents for Counselors | Scoir

Written by Ginny Perkins | Aug 29, 2024 7:37:14 PM

See how assigning Tasks & Forms to parents/guardians helps streamline communication, improve student outcomes, and enhance parent involvement. 🚀

Let's dive in!

Now, you can assign parents Tasks and Forms (just like you do with students), helping streamline your workflow–ensuring timely and accurate information is in one place–while also engaging parents’ active participation in their students' college and career readiness process.

Assigning Tasks & Forms to Parents

After creating a Task or building a Form in Scoir, assign it to parents individually or in bulk right from your Student Roster using the Manage Assignments tool!

Parents will receive notifications via email and on their Scoir mobile app when a new Task is assigned to them, or when a counselor triggers a reminder on an outstanding Task.

Parents can easily complete their assigned Task or Form right from their parent dashboard.

Once completed, you can view and manage parent Tasks and Forms from the Assignments tab, or from their students' profiles.

Parents/guardians play a crucial role in supporting their children through college and career readiness. With our new solution for assigning Tasks and Forms to parents, you can actively engage them in their students' journey, improve your workflow and information collection, and enhance student outcomes in the application process.

For a more detailed look at assigning Tasks and Forms to parents, visit our help articles on Tasks and Forms, and be sure to share your feedback! We're all ears.