What's New in Scoir

For Counselors: College Selectivity & Student Match Categories | Scoir

Written by Valerie Russell | Dec 6, 2023 8:27:53 PM

We've added Selectivity filters and labels to colleges, and the ability for counselors to set a Match Category for individual students. 🚀

Let’s dive in!


College Selectivity Levels

Now, College Selectivity labels are seen throughout Scoir based on a college’s defined Selectivity Level

Counselors and students can also filter colleges based on a college's Selectivity Level. 


Student Match Categories

When setting an individual student’s Match Category, Scoir will automatically display Acceptance Likelihood for those students and colleges. This customization is based on a comparison of the Student Match Category and College Selectivity Level. 

We hope that this new feature helps you and your students as you build college lists and determine the priority of applying to different schools.

Students will also see these updates! You can learn more about how your students will experience the College Selectivity Level updates in this article: For Students: College Selectivity Filters & Labels

For more information on College Selectivity Levels in the counselor experience, check out this article next: For Counselors: College Selectivity Levels & Match Category Overview

TL;DR: Counselors and students have more visibility into college selectivity and acceptance in Scoir. 💙


And that’s a wrap! 

Share your feedback! We're all ears 👂