For Colleges
Kickstart Colleges
Ready for Scoir, but concerned about diving in with a new platform? It's okay, we're here to help you get up and running.
Premium Presence Kickstart
Student's are 87% more likely to engage with your college with Premium Presence. Let your dedicated Engagement Strategist do the heavy lifting of building a dynamic profile for your institution.
Your Engagement Strategist will populate your profile with:
5 Fast Facts
All Academic Major Content Cards (this is big!)
5 Student Life Content Cards
3 Overview Content Cards
3 Admissions Content Cards
3 Financial Aid Content Cards
3 Events

All content will come directly from your website, and up-to-date data insights will be taken into account when considering tagging. What's left for you and your team? A little light maintenance here and there.
Also available for current partners: let Scoir audit and refresh your current content using the most up to date data insights.
Cost: $2,250 | Pricing Page
Messaging Kickstart
Interested in connecting with students and their supporters with Scoir Messaging, but not sure where to start? Let Scoir create a foundation of messages for your first few months so that you can immediately begin engaging with interested students and their supporters.
Your dedicated Engagement Strategist will work with you and your Customer Success Manager to get a sense of institutional priorities and brand assets to create and deploy a series of dynamic messages.
Your Engagement Strategist will create:
3 Automated Student Messages for "Following", "Applying", and "Applied"
3 Automated Parent/Guardian Messages for "Following", "Applying", and "Applied"
2 One-Time Student Messages

Messages will be added as drafts to your account for review and approval. Once a review is complete, your Engagement Strategist will launch your messages. After the launch of your Kickstart, your team will have full access to add messages throughout your contract, and will receive regular suggestions from your dedicated Customer Success Manager.
Also available for current partners: Ready for a refresh? Scoir can help you make needed updates, with a focus on adding up to 8 messages for your current cycle.
Cost: $2,250 | Pricing Page
Looking for more of a lift?
Consider Scoir Managed! A dedicated Engagement Strategist will develop, execute, and monitor your end-to-end, 12-month content and communications plan tailored to your institutional objectives.