What's New in Scoir

For Colleges: More Messaging Segments

Written by Valerie Russell | Nov 8, 2023 2:13:04 PM

We've enhanced custom messaging segments to help colleges improve engagement with students. 🚀

Let’s dive in!

New Segments for Outreach Messages

If your college has Outreach Messaging or our bundle you'll now see new segments when creating one-time and automated outreach messages! These include whether students attend private or public high schools, community type, neighborhood household income, and more. You can also segment messages to students based on ACT / SAT score ranges.

Benefits of Advanced Segmentation

With these new advanced segmentation options, you can become even more highly targeted and personalized in your messages to students and parents/guardians.

Here are more ways you can segment your messages to be sure that the correct information is reaching the right audience at the best time:

  • First-gen status

  • Where they are in the funnel 

  • Personal interests

  • Academic focus

  • School location (Rural, Town, Suburban, Urban)

  • Legal sex

  • School type (including Title 1)

  • Academic profile, including test scores

  • Neighborhood household income bands

  • Students' saved career interests

And if you're interested in boosting your college's Outreach program, but need a hand—check out our Managed Subscription services! Our dedicated team of Engagement Strategists (all previous Admissions Marketing professionals) will work with you to build, execute, and monitor your communications plan for a full year. 

And that’s a wrap! 

TL;DR: Better engage students with new segments in Outreach Messaging. 💙

Share your feedback! We're all ears 👂